Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2010 Time to start again...

2010 got off to kind of a ruff start. Lots going on, some positive, alot negitive. Overall I think it is time to hit the restart button. What could be a better time then the Chinese New Year. Of course.

So my year 2010 is going to start with the year of the Tiger. Granted I am trying to make positive changes in my life now rather than wait for Monday, but generally speaking my fresh start is going to be this Monday.

My life is falling into play. I now work four jobs. Yeah for opportunity. I am settled into three of the four. Day Care, Checking, and House Cleaning. Still building confidence in pizza delivery.

Here are some of the things I am looking forward to this year:

March: I will be going through the temple for my first time.
July: Family Reunion
August: Bowron canoe trip in Canada

Then two weddings one in April, one in June.
Hopefully a few trips to Smith Rock.

Should make for a great year!


Matt said...

Sounds like 2010 is shaping up to be a great year. I'm envious that you have so many trips and events scheduled already. I need to get on that!

Kristine said...

I love it! I've definitely given up on 2010, but there's no reason I shouldn't be hopeful for the year of the tiger. Thank you Beth, and thank you China. :)

Katie Curtis said...

Chinese New Year. Nice restart button. What does year of the tiger mean? Yeah for fun trips!!! You're the best, Beth!