Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Life is like Math... just that simple... or not

While working on my calculus homework today the concept finally clicked, and I was getting my exercises correct. I thought why can't life be as simple as math. I mean really. Give me a concept, theory, rule, or law on how to solve the problem. Then each problem has a solution.

Well then when I finished the section and took a brain break the real math nerd in me came out and I started to laugh because life really is just like math. Follow me on this for just a min.

As a child it is true every math problem you are given is quite simple and really does only have one right answer. 2+1=3. Always has been always will be. Just like life every problem had one right answer.

Then as we got older the problems become more difficult. It builds on what we learned before. Solve for 2x+3=11... x=4. Much like our lives. A few more options on how to solve "problems", but still generally just one answer.

Now as we have gotten older the problems get even more difficult... x^2-x-6=0, guess what there are two right answers!!! -2 and 3. Both true, but not equal. Which one to choose.

Then the worst problems of all. The ones with NO SOLUTION SET!!! That is right, how often do we find those problems in life.

Even better there are plenty of theories, a few rules, and really only one Law that will help with the problems of life. That is Christ.

Wow who knew what someone could think of while working on calculus homework. I guess everything... and I do me Everything points to Christ.

Thanks for reading, and yes I acknowledge I am a nerd.


Me said...

i love christ, but i still mostly hate math :)

Courtney Kay said...

I like math, and I like this analogy. :)