Sunday, October 25, 2009

Not going to become "That" person...

Growing up it always drove me crazy when you would ask adults how they were doing and how life was going that you would generally get the response. "Oh you know same old, same old. Nothing too exciting." I couldn't imagine not seeing the joy in the small things in life. I mean there has to be something to be excited for or a good story to tell.

Yet over the last few weeks I seem to find myself answering the question of how things are as same old same old. I realized I need to remember to find joy in the simple things, and look forward to life. Everyday. So...

What I was grateful for or most enjoyed about this week:

Monday FHE small groups got off to a great jump start this week. I was happy to hear that all four groups had a good turnout, and had fun.

Tuesday I got to hand out with a new friend, and get to know her better, while going dancing, which I haven't done in way too long!

Wednesday I was so happy to get a good handle on my school work. It really does feel good to be moving forward. Got to spend a few hours with Heather... can't beat that. It has been a long time since we just killed time.

Thursday... nothing needs to be said other than OFFICE NIGHT! Followed by some quality time with the roommate, which I hadn't seen Katie all week, and I do mean hadn't seen due to our crazy schedules.

Friday the annual halloween party at Aubrey's which I look forward to every year. Haven't laughed that hard in a long long time. So grateful for friends that can not only make me smile and feel happy, but make me laugh till my side hurts, and I can't help but smile.

Saturday, can't beat a good Cosco run with a good friend.

And what wonderful things do I have to look forward to this week...
Well tomorrow starts it off with dinner with the my favorite neighbors, Todd and Heather, and my new friend Angela will hopefully be joining... it has been way to long since we hung out.

I am greatful for getting scheduled over 20 hours before the week starts! Brings the stress level down several notches.

Tuesday I get to go see "Where the Wild Things Are" with two of my dear friends.

Thursday, I am looking forward to Office Night, and I even get to spend some extra quality time with the girls, because I have a test that night. Talk about trials and blessings coming together. Never knew I would look forward to a test so much. :).

Friday, there is a great themed party... mustash. :)

Saturday, I get to catch up with an old friend that I haven't spent quality time with in long time.

Sunday is my monthly dinner with a good friend. Oh how I love traditions! And yes I am now singing the song in my head.

I just want to say I love life, I love my friends, and family, and I hope everyone can find the joy in thier lives!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

By Recommend....

Dream Deferred
by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it just explode?

Ariel recommended this poem to me after my post dream dream dream. Honestly I don't think I could have explained it any better. I wasn't referring to any one dream in particular, but several that had been on my mind. It has given me something to reflect on those dreams that I have put off, put away, or turned away from. Just thought I would share the poem for others that may enjoy something to reflect on as well.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Life is like Math... just that simple... or not

While working on my calculus homework today the concept finally clicked, and I was getting my exercises correct. I thought why can't life be as simple as math. I mean really. Give me a concept, theory, rule, or law on how to solve the problem. Then each problem has a solution.

Well then when I finished the section and took a brain break the real math nerd in me came out and I started to laugh because life really is just like math. Follow me on this for just a min.

As a child it is true every math problem you are given is quite simple and really does only have one right answer. 2+1=3. Always has been always will be. Just like life every problem had one right answer.

Then as we got older the problems become more difficult. It builds on what we learned before. Solve for 2x+3=11... x=4. Much like our lives. A few more options on how to solve "problems", but still generally just one answer.

Now as we have gotten older the problems get even more difficult... x^2-x-6=0, guess what there are two right answers!!! -2 and 3. Both true, but not equal. Which one to choose.

Then the worst problems of all. The ones with NO SOLUTION SET!!! That is right, how often do we find those problems in life.

Even better there are plenty of theories, a few rules, and really only one Law that will help with the problems of life. That is Christ.

Wow who knew what someone could think of while working on calculus homework. I guess everything... and I do me Everything points to Christ.

Thanks for reading, and yes I acknowledge I am a nerd.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It is wonderful to know I am not alone on this one...

I have have had a great sense of thankfulness, since I was 18 (when I was willing to admit it) that the Lord really is in charge of my life. I have loved seeing how the pieces all fit together. So often in life when it seems like none of the pieces fit together I feel lost, sometimes discouraged, and very alone. Then once I think I have determined what it is the Lord would have me do I then have to take a leap of faith.

Some times it has been a much more like a hope, skip, and a jump, and other times it has been a real leap of faith. Example my move to Oregon.

The thing is I am at one of those cross roads again in my life, and while I know once I get on the other side and look back, all the pieces will fit right into place, and I will be grateful for every bump and scrap that got me to the other side getting the courage to know which leap I should take and put all my faith into it so I can make the jump is still difficult.

I do want to say that I am grateful for my most recent experiences. Over the last year I have felt more lost, more unsure about myself, and less like I understand where my life is going, but at the same time I have never felt more support, love, and learned how the Lord speaks to me.

My weaknesses have been brought so much to the surface and I have never felt more humble about them in my life. I hope they will at some point be my strengths. I look forward to finding where I am to jump, and that I will have the faith necessary to make that leap.

All I can say is I am glad life isn't solely my plan, or it would be a mess from the beginning to the end. At least with the Lord, I know it has all made sense once, and at some point it will all fit together again. That is a picture I look forward to seeing.