Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh for the Love of Change

That is right. The time as come for me to start a new chapter in my life. My plan... is to go back to grad school. I am going to get a masters in education. I am not sure what is my favorite part about this change.

#1 A fresh start. I love having a new start. A clean slate. Nothing that I should have finnished last week hanging over my head. A new chance to get it right. (This is why I like Mondays.)

#2 The chance to be a student again. To have a random schedule that varries from day to day. Where I can choose to take early classes, or go with late ones, and sleep in. (Lets be honest I'll be up early regardless.) Back to being able to wear jeans every day, carrying my life in a back pack, just having the simple life back. Yes I realize I am only remembering the good parts.

#3 I am quiting my job at Wells Fargo. This actually brings me the most happiness. Don't get me wrong. For the majority of the lst three years I have loved my job. It has been a good job, good company. I am just ready for a little less stress for a while, and a different type of stress.

Like most people I do have some adversion to change, but really it is just to small change. I don't like reorganizing furniture, or changing my route to work. Major overalls for my life I love! I know I'm crazy... best if you knew it too.

Wish me luck!


Me said...

i loved being a student!!! we will see what i am supposed to be doing, but i am thinking that either way i'll be back at psu :)

Katie Curtis said...

Now I know why we didn't move the TV last night!