Thursday, October 18, 2007

A "Bomb" day at work

Lets just say it was an interesting day at work today.... Scroll through story and I will tell you what we did...

Bomb scare disrupts terrorism drill, closes MAX line
Posted by The Oregonian October 18, 2007 14:32PM
Categories: Portland, Top Stories

The Topoff dirty-bomb drill turned into a real-life bomb scare this afternoon after a trio of bomb-sniffing dogs alerted authorities to possible explosives on the first floor of the parking garage of the Doubletree Hotel Portland at 1000 NE Multnomah Street. Michael Chertoff, secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, was scheduled to be at the hotel for part of the Topoff counterterrorism exercise later in the day.
Portland police cordoned off several blocks around the Lloyd Center, marking off the area with hundreds of feet of yellow tape blowing in the afternoon wind. They also shut down MAX trains through the area, and alerted people inside the hotel and surrounding buildings. Some in chose buildings chose to evacuate, while others remained in place.
By 3:45 p.m., Police spokesman Brian Schmautz said officials "were comfortable" there was nothing sinister going on. Shortly after that, TriMet spokeswoman Peggy LaPoint said the red and blue MAX lines were back open in both directions through the area.
Nonetheless, Topoff activities at the hotel were quickly canceled earlier in the afternoon. Schmautz said officers had been sweeping the area in advance of visits by Chertoff and high-ranking military personnel using a pair of "explosives sensitive" police dogs. "One dog got an alert at this car. The second dog was called in and also gave an alert." A third dog later came to the parking garage, and had the same reaction as the first two.
Authorities initially focused on one vehicle, which turned out to be owned by a participant in the Topoff exercise. The car's owner was quickly located and cooperated, and police later expanded the search to other vehicles on the first floor of the garage. It was windy, Schmautz said, so it's possible the dogs picked up smells from any of several vehicles in the area.
There are a number of military and Homeland Security employees in the area for the counterterrorism exercise, so Schmautz says it's possible one of their vehicles inadvertently picked up explosive residue or something else that might set off the dogs.
"It's very unusual to have a concentration of military and law enforcement vehicles in the same place," Schmautz said. He said explosive residue can get "baked in" to vehicles, noting that members of the Portland Police explosives team frequently set off alarms in airports because residue is in the fabric of their clothing.
Before 2 p.m., a crowd of people, many them streaming out of the mall and unable to get to their cars in a parking lot, gathered at Northeast 13th Avenue and Multnomah Street. Some asked officers near the yellow police tape if scene was part of the terror drill. "This is not a drill, m'am," said one officer. Others complained about not being able to catch buses and the MAX trains.
A street preacher stopped on the corner, warning people walking past that they were witnessing the end times. "It's time to come to Jesus Christ," he said.
The Topoff drill is scheduled to resume tomorrow morning with a wrap-up briefing, as participants evaluate how things went this week.
-- Joseph

STOP: Back to me. Yea we got out of our seminar at the hotel to find that are cars were all stuck in the parking garage. Well all but mine, so we (My manager, and two of my co-workers) figured, lets go grab some lunch... so we did... and the cars were still stuck, we went and replaced my flat tire. Yes It was a good day. Still the cars were stuck... Then we stopped by one of the the stores for our company down town and chatted with them for a momement... Then we went to catch a movie. We get there pick our movie... and then get the call that it is good to get and get the cars. YEA... A whole day wasted, but really my boss was there, so I don't have to make an excuse. ;)

Well that is all. I am now going to get some work done.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Noah Build An ARK!

Part of my childhood. A memory of my brother and I and the first time I fell in love with comedy.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

blah blah blah

It was one of those days today....

It started out great. I made it to the gym, my morning routine went well. I even had time to fold some laundry and wash a few dishes before heading in to be at work at nine....

but then it happened. I didn't want to be a work. Big surprise, who likes to be at work. I use to, but I have had a hard time lately getting into the grove. I am in sales, and as anyone in sales can tell you, you can't be out of the grove too long. I am starting to think maybe it is time for a new job... but that is really for another day. I got a few things done before lunch. Had a great lunch with a friend, and actually buckled down when I made it back into work...

After work was good. I got to spend the evening with another friend. We went to a choir and orchestra concert at one of the local universities. It was nice to go spend some time with a good friend, listen to some good music and just have some good conversation.

Really when all is said and done it really was a good day, just a little blah in the middle.

I hope everyone else had an excellent Tuesday. ;)

Sunday, October 7, 2007


So I have now joined the world of bloggers. Why has it taken so long for me to join? Really I never knew what I would write about and then I keep wanting to write to someone, or about anything and finally I decided I would start a blog. So Here I am.

What is going on my life. Right now I just got a new assignment with my church. I am now a co-chair of an activities board. I now need ideas. Anyone with low budget ideas for large groups say 100-200 people, please post...

That is a perfect example of why of why my blog is called dot dot dot.

anyway... I go back in forth on my excitement for this new part of my life. At this current moment I do not get overly excited for these activities, but I guess that means now I get to make a difference... YEA... (that would be sarcasm).

Well I guess that will be all for my blog at least at this moment till I get board. Please feel free to post any great ideas!