Friday, January 30, 2009

Currnet Economy

It has been a while since I have written, but thanks to the troubling market, increasing interest rates, work has slowed down some.

Along with that, I no longer have my position at Church to plan for the large group activities, so my schedule and my stress level have lightened a small bit.

I try to keep my political views more to myself rather than speaking out. I do enjoy educating others on political matters, and national news. What little I understand.
I first want to say I am sorry for anyone that has lost, has a family member or friend has lost, or are in fear of loosing their jobs.

I don't envy you in any regard, and hope that you are finding the help you need through your previous preparations, friends, family, and any religious affiliations you may have.
Now I want to pose the question of what now?

For anyone that knows me they know that I am a planner, and a little bit of a realist on the edge of pessimist. I have given a lot of thought to what I would do if I lost my job. I would like to share some of my thoughts in hopes that it might just help those looking to find a new job, fill their time, and keep their spirits high.

1st. Don't be picky about your next job. Do look for a job that will pay the bills. America is founded on those who are hard workers, that take pride in a good days work. It doesn't matter what that work may be. White collar, blue collar, pushing paper, or manual labor. Doing what you can do to the best of your ability to be self sufficient is one of the most satisfying feeling in the world. Once you have a job... then look for the one you want if you didn't land it with the new one.

2nd. Don't spend eight hours a day looking for a job. At some point it will no longer be quality. Do spend 2-3 hours a day doing quality searching, applying, and most of all follow up on possible jobs. This way you are making quality applications, you can remember who you talked to and can make a quality impression to those you meet with.

3rd. Volunteer some time everyday. Think about this for a min. If you volunteer for a school or state entity, you are spending time everyday networking with people, that may be able to line you up with a job. Second you are building skills that may help you find, and land the next job. Third you can show that what you have been doing with your time since you have been out of work. Finally you are helping your community. As the country, state, and city start to cut back there will be a much greater need for help, and you have the time, and skills needed to make a difference.

4th. Take the time to work on personal improvement. That can be anything from reading about topics that you are interested in, that may help with employment. Working out to build endorphins, and build confidence in yourself. Build on an old talent that you may have let pass by when life was filled with the 8-5 job. Music, sports, art. It again will help bring out the confidence in yourself. It also fills your free time so you can think of the positive.

5th. And most important a trust in God, that He knows the pains you are going through, and is there to help support you. You may never understand why, but you can take this as an opportunity to grow.

I hope those that read this will take it for what it is. My map and game plan in the even that I loose my job. And as my support to you. Knowing that I cannot fully understand your situation till I am there, but I am happy to help in anyway I can.
Best of luck as everyone works through the struggles of our current economy.


Me said...

i love beth!

Kristy said...

I just want to let you know that I love you and I love reading your thoughts on everything. You are great. I am excited to see you in April!

Kristine said...

Beth... This has nothing to do with your post. But have you seen Mama Mia? Because that's what I think of every time I see your "dot dot dot" title. :)

Emily said...

thanks for the advice :)