Friday, November 26, 2010

Oh Oregon how you changed me...

Here are a few things about my personality that I attribute 100% to having lived in Oregon.

My joy for a sunny day. I grew up in the desert where it was always sunny, so loved the rain of Oregon from the first day I got there till I moved, and miss it still. But in all this love for rain I also gained a great appreciation for a sunny day. It alwasys makes me smile when I go out side and think "oh look the sun is shinning, what a beautiful day." Then I remember... "oh yes, I'm in AZ where the sun always shines, oh well, still a beautiful day."

My great relunctance to through recycables away. Yes it is true, I am having to learn to through things like cardboard, pop cans, and other reyclables away because there isn't recyling at my complex, or work. It is still a strugle, and I stare at the garbage for about 30 seconds before I do.

My great anyonance with stores and thier need to bag everything, but only 2-3 items per bag. Really I can carry my milk out, and you could have used 3 bags, not nine. They have soooo much to learn.

My amazement of the large side streets here. I can make a full circle turn even if there are cars parked on both sides, no worries. Not a six point turn. It is amazing what they pave when they don't have an urban growth boundary.

Oh and I have yet to accept that I missed fall and should be in winter, as it is still warm, there are no tree leaves changing color, and I still can't pull out my swaeaters. :(

But I do love it here, between the warm air, amazing sunsets, beautiful red rock, and the wonderful people. I am happy I came, but a little weirder thanks to Portland OR.

1 comment:

Diana said...

better, not weirder Beth :) Throwing away recyclables makes me cringe!!