Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thoughts from Isle 7...

So I have seen one of my faults amplified through my job as a checker... yes that is right. For those of you that knew I had faults and are keeping track, you can add one more to the list, and for those of you who don't know me well enough to know my faults... well here is one.

I am a judgmental person. It is true. I have known this about myself for a long time, and I keep telling myself I need to stop it, first and foremost I shouldn't judge... but two I don't know people's background and circumstances.

I find I spend about 1/3 of my time at work shaking my head because of the healthy... or more likely to cross my mind unhealthy food people purchase. Or being disappointed in how they choose to spend their money... or more importantly my tax dollars, on junk food. I spend another 1/3 of my day telling myself that it is not my place to judge, and to stop thinking that about those people who buy 2 things of ice cream and 3 things of pop, with a healthy side of potato chips or pop corn on the side just to swipe their food stamps card to purchase it. Oh it kills me... See I told you...

Any way the last 1/3 is usually spent listening to gossip, or chit chatting with customers.

I struggle so much with this one for two reasons. It hits on two things that drive me crazy in life. 1st unwise use of one's money... or tax dollar... ie.. my hard earned money, and 2nd America's obesity issue. We could do better as a nation but we don't

I would be willing to bet America would be much heathier, and much harder workers if only the basics, friut, veggies, some meat products, and bread products could be purchased with food stamps. Two reasons. People who really couldn't afford food would be forced to eat better. Second those that really wanted the junk food would have motivation to work.

And since that kind of food costs less, we would save tax dollars. Sounds like a win all the way around to me.

K, I'm ranting. I have got to find a way to stop being so dang judgemental. Any suggestions?


Me said...

i hate when people eat like that too, and i am also super judgemental. i usually manage to not kill people by remembering these 2 things:

1) alot (not all, but alot) of people are not educated about health and have no idea how to put together a healthy meal. statistically lower income people have less education about matters like this. department of human services teaches classes about healthy eating, hygine, etc, but theres only so much they can do.

2) i know when i come home from work i'm freaking tired. i like to pretend food stamps people are working several crappy jobs to make ends meet, and still dont have enough to get food, and thats why they have food stamps. and after a long day of working they just dont have the energy for cooking, so they get crappy food.

3) i know, i just added a third.. junk food is more addictive to the brain than heroin. so i guess of all the adictions they could have (and spend your tax money on) potato chips isnt the worst.

Hilary said...

Beth I love you...I am guilty of buying all of those things....sad but true...however, I do not have food is my hard earned money that I buy that junk with...and actually I mostly just buy soda....and chocolate of course. :) So how come you havent added me on here yet!!!

Kristine said...

I forgot I was going to comment on this post... Cuz not gonna lie, I have a hard time with that one too! And I speak as a person who's always refused any help from government programs beyond what I actually NEED to live my life. It's hard for me to accept that not everyone has my same sense of determination and independence... or pride, whatever you wanna call it. :) (And you know me... I'm the girl who feels guilty about how much tithing dollars, that I imagine coming from the goat milk money of a starving single mom in Guatemala, we spend on sweets and treats!) But at the end of the day, I try to focus my attention on all the worthy and responsible recipients of social programs, because I think they should get higher priority in my heart than the lazy moochers.