Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dream Dream Dream...

You know those goals that you set over and over again, but you really never move forward? What happens when you do? I have several that I have finally gotten to, and in some cases even further along in my life but now what? Don't get me wrong I can still improve in those areas and still want to, but for some reason taking that next step has been very hard.

Is it fear of success? Fear of growing up? Fear of the responsibility that comes with both of those?

It has really been on my mind for the past few weeks, so I thought I would throw it out there see what others might think.


Me said...

i was thinking about that the other day, only i was thinking it in poem form the langston hughs poem "what happens to a dream deferred?"

and then at the end, the last question is "does it explode?"

and i realized i don't want to find out, so i need to figure out how long is prudent and how long is deferring :) maybe you should too :)

Kristine said...

Fear of success/growing up/responsibility? Those probably all have at least a little bit of truth. And even fear aside, it just takes a while to wrap your head around new goals and ambitions. You have to change your whole vision and the way you think.

But I'm not really sure what you're talking about specifically, so it's a little hard to say what I may think. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe the next step is what we DON'T do. Pres. Uchtdorf "True wisdom in life lies in the elimination of nonessentials." I find myself starting to see what I can leave undone lately-- letting some clothes pile on the floor or a few dishes in the sink from time to time if it gives me some extra time with the guitar or taking a walk through the fall leaves or making a new friend-- or even simply gives me the freedom to not worry about being everything all the time. Funny, right now the hardest and best thing I'm doing is letting go and trusting that God and others are going to take care of all they can take care of. And that means I don't have to solve the world's problems. I don't have to be or do it all. We're human beings not human doings. Lately, I've been letting go and letting God over and over. Over and over. And over. And it's crazy, I'm probably doing more and better than I was before with all the go, go, going and do, do, doing.