Thursday, July 9, 2009

hurry to grow up

So I was at work today, yes my new wonderful job at the deli, which I love!


I saw three boys between the ages of 8-13 walk by. One walked under a bag that had been hung for decoration, looking up, hoping he would bump into it, because he was that tall. Sadly it did not. He was about two inches short. So what did he do??? Hopped so it would hit his head. :)

Oh how badly we wanted to grow up when we were small, and what did our parents tell us? Enjoy being young while you can. Did we listen... did we ever listen? NO. So my thought when I saw that was oh what I wouldn't give up to be young again, and wanted to tell the boys to enjoy being young while they could. Funny how the world works.

Just thought I would share. Enjoy the moment you are in now.


Me said...

i always think things like that and then i feel like an old lady :)

you kids! enjoy it while you can! *shakes cane*

Katie Curtis said...

I love moments like that when you see something that makes you analyze yourself!
PS: I told myself this morning, "Katie, it's mind over matter. You do not have mono." I'm feeling much better!

Patty Fingers said...

This is what Fletcher would have done, and I would have given him a "look"