Monday, November 17, 2008

Yea for friends

So it has been requested that I update so I thought I would share some of my current thoughts. Because really what is the point of a blog if I don't update it. :)

I recently made contact with an old friend from elementary school online. Go figure. She was surpised to see that I had found her and we have been enjoying getting caught up. I am so excited because we use to spend hours talking on the phone, and spending time together.

It really makes me think in many ways the online net-works make it soooo much easier to stay incontact with old friends... but do we at times loose that personal touch?

I have kept in "close contact" with about 4 frineds from high school, and a few more from college, and then one or two that have moved away from where I am now. In comparison that is about as many friends my mother has stayed in contact with.

I have kept up with and in some contact with many other's through my on-line networks. I have loved watching them move on into diffent avenues of life, careers, family, and travel. But I ask. Do I really know the people? If we were to sit down and talk would it be like old times, or would it be a quick 30 min catch up?

Second thought. How much time do we spend on line reading each other's blogs, profile, and looking at pictures, and not building lasting memories with those that are around us? Who will we keep up with if we aren't building friendships with those people that we do associate with?

Not saying that blogs and on line networks aren't great! I appreciate the support, and many of my friends have made for great networking opertunities for other friends. I just wonder if we now use these virtual networks as a way to apprear connected, and yet become more disconected from the world around us.

Just some of my current thoughts.

1 comment:

Me said...

sometimes you just stay connected with people, and sometimes you dont.

i have a friend i've known since before kindergarden and we still keep in touch via text and email and such, and hang out when i'm in town. but then there are people i could walk or bike or bus to see and i just dont becasue we've grown apart :)

i like you though.